13 questions about PHP configuration options

13 questions about PHP configuration options

1. How PHP configurations can be changed?
2. What are major configuration values which we usually may want to change?
3. Mention the types of values which we can set in configuration values?
4. Can we use the ini_set function anywhere in our script?
5. Can we change and restore the configuration value to its original form from a script?
6. What are error reporting settings? How they affect the script?
7. What are session related settings in PHP?
8. What are database related settings?…

28 questions about PHP programming in general

28 questions about PHP programming in general

1. How PHP is different from other programming language?
2. What are basic and main features of PHP?
3. A brief history of PHP?
4. Can we use the PHP for desktop application development?
5. What are PHP data types?
6. How we can install the PHP on windows?
7. How we can install the PHP on Linux?
8. How we can install the PHP on Mac?
9. How PHP is platform independent?
10. How we can customize the PHP behaviour in our installation?…

Artificial Intelligence in PHP : Creating Neural Networks

Artificial Intelligence in PHP : Creating Neural Networks

This article at developer.com, gives first hand information about creating neural networks in PHP language. Artificial neural networks are developed mostly in high-level programming languages such as C or C++, So reading about them in PHP is a refreshing experience.


What are Neural Networks?

The network works similarly to the human brain: it is comprised of neurons that communicate with each other and provide valuable outputs. Although just a model — and not even close to human thinking — artificial neural networks have been used in prediction, classification, and decision-support systems, as well as in optical character recognition and many other applications.…

10 Reasons to Use Zend Framework

10 Reasons to Use Zend Framework

Why you should use Zend Framework? This is not only an interview question, while taking structural decisions about a project, we should ask this question to ourself. This article gives good reasons why you should adopt Zend framework in your working culture and what kind of benefits you can get out from Zend Framework.

  1. Extend Classes like There’s no Tomorrow
  2. Object-oriented Goodness
  3. Use What you Need, Forget Everything Else
  4. It lets you do a Lot of Things!
  5. No Model Implementation – Choose your Own Adventure!
PHP Interview Questions

PHP Interview Questions

Hi, I have created a page on my this blog named PHP Interview Questions on which I will compile a list of questions which I normally asks to my candidates. I am not worried about leaking my questions strategy as I know only a good person can handle my supplementary questions I asked on the spot.…