16 questions about File uploading and Form handling in PHP programming

16 questions about File uploading and Form handling in PHP programming

1. Do we need to do something specific to do form handling in PHP?
2. How file uploading has to be enabled in a HTML form?
3. How PHP handles file uploading process?
4. What are configuration variables available in PHP for forms?
5. What configuration variables available in PHP for file uploading?
6. What are register_globals in PHP and how these are related to forms?
7. How form data can be accessed in a PHP script?
8. How form data can be secure from bad user inputs?…

Artificial Intelligence in PHP : Creating Neural Networks

Artificial Intelligence in PHP : Creating Neural Networks

This article at developer.com, gives first hand information about creating neural networks in PHP language. Artificial neural networks are developed mostly in high-level programming languages such as C or C++, So reading about them in PHP is a refreshing experience.


What are Neural Networks?

The network works similarly to the human brain: it is comprised of neurons that communicate with each other and provide valuable outputs. Although just a model — and not even close to human thinking — artificial neural networks have been used in prediction, classification, and decision-support systems, as well as in optical character recognition and many other applications.…